Hurricane Beryl is over do now as we are now entering July and we are in need of a Hurricane as that would be the normal thing to have happen. Instead we see massive flooding in Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia? Where oh where is Hurricane Beryl?.We were told by the weather scientists, meteorologists and experts that the 2006 Atlantic Tropical Hurricane Season would be a very bad one; if so where is Beryl, is she waiting until things have calmed down in the North East so she can steal the show and come in for a devastating and destructive land fall on the Gulf of Mexico, Florida Coast or Eastern United States Seaboard?.Will we see Beryl try to get in on the Forth of July Bash? Where is Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm or Hurricane Beryl? What is taking her so long anyway? We will soon be getting into peak Hurricane Season and we have not even met the Bs yet? What gives with the wacky weather patterns these days, everything seems all-wrong and something else must be going on.
When can we expect Hurricane Beryl to come barreling into the bay and causing huge spikes in crude oil barrel prices? She is way over do and something is not right? Consider this in 2006.
.Lance Winslow.Article Source: http://EzineArticles.
.By: Lance Winslow